Hoofd beveiliging van Xbox Live gehackt *update 03:43*

RDJ134 4 april 2011 om 03:20 uur

De vaste bezoekers van Eigenwereld.nl en hardcore Xbox 360 gamers zijn wel bekend met Stephen "Stepto" Toulouse. Deze man en zijn team handhaven de orde op het Xbox Live netwerk met harde hand, en daar maakt hij geen vrienden mee. Het is nu zover gekomen dat een boze hacker/script kiddie zijn persoonlijke website gehackt heeft en zijn gamertrag kaapte. Hier is het verhaal zoals de website Kotaku het samenvatte.

Update: de hacker laat zijn werk zien in een Youtube video:

Stephen Toulouse, known to many as Stepto, is Microsoft's director of policy and enforcement for Xbox Live. That means he's the guy with the biggest, baddest banhammer on that service, making him a prime target for grudge-nursing hackers. Apparently one just seized control of his personal website, stepto.com

Update: A hacker took control of his Xbox Live account, too, calling it payback for being banned 35 times on Xbox Live.

The domain has been taken down by Network Solutions, so who knows what was being done with it or for how long it was compromised and still live. About six hours ago, Toulouse noticed that control of Stepto.com had been handed over "to an attacker," and asked that no one send email to that domain, as it was no longer private.

An hour ago, Toulouse tweeted, Network Solutions told him they're "trying to figure out what happened," but agree that the domain had been compromised.

Toulouse is often the face of major banhammer announcements, such as for playing pirated games or cheating, which makes him despised by many people who like pirating games or cheating. For those who don't, he's a pretty reasonable guy, who approaches his duty with a mix of seriousness and levity,
