Top tien van de slechtste superhelden kostuums in films en series

RDJ134 6 april 2011 om 18:22 uur

Veel superhelden die je in films en TV series ziet hebben hele slechte kostuums, maar er zijn er een aantal die er wel heel erg slecht uit zien. Daarom heef tde website deze top tien gemaakt en onze favoriet daar van is:

7. The Phantom (1996)

The Phantom is one of the oldest heroes in comics, created by Lee Falk as a newspaper strip back in 1936. But while having a guy run around the jungle in a bright purple costume might look good in a comic strip...on the big screen not so much. This is one case where sticking to the original costume might not have been the best idea as star Billy Zane looks like he's running around in pajamas. I swear they had a flap in the back.
