Tom Ellis interview over Lucifer en hoe Netflix deze show redde

RDJ134 9 mei 2019 om 15:01 uur

Zoals we allemaal waarschijnlijk weten was de Amerikaanse TV serie Lucifer zo goed als game over toen de zender FOX de stekker er uit trok. Maar de fans kwamen in opstand en daar door pakte Netflix deze show op en daar is nu dan ook het vierde seizoen te vinden. Ter promotie hier van had de website Collider een interview met Tom Ellis die de rol van Lucifer speelt en daar komen een hoop leuke dingen ter sprake.

Collider: It's obviously not unheard of, these days, for a show to get canceled by one network and picked up by another, but it's also not something that's guaranteed. When you got the news about the cancellation, were you immediately hopeful that the show would find another home, or were you convinced that that was it?

: For about 36 hours, I was convinced that would be it. Then, I had a call. Basically, the moment that it was announced on social media that the show was canceled, was the moment I started to feel better about everything because, within an hour of that announcement, my phone had just gone absolutely crazy. The outpouring from everywhere was really overwhelming, but at that point, I was still crushed and gutted. Then, the next day, because of that outpouring, I got a call from Warner Bros. saying that it hadn't gone unnoticed, and that they were going to try to find a new home for it. In that period of time, I encouraged people to keep making noise because it seemed to have at least made a conversation start. Once there was a conversation, there was still hope, even though I knew that the chances of it being picked up were really slim. I think that the constant knocking on the door from the fans, Netflix was subsequently as overwhelmed and happy to see the response, and it felt like a good fit for them to have us. When eventually it was picked up, I was obviously thrilled, but I was more thrilled for the fans than anybody because they just really, really wanted it.

It's one thing to know that you have fans and that they're very devoted and loyal, but it's another to hear them all talking at once about saving the show. Did it surprise you that they were that vocal?

: I've had this strange feeling for awhile, where I knew that there was stuff happening at Fox with the Disney takeover, and that our figures on Fox didn't truly represent how popular the show was because there was a huge following for the show, outside of the Fox domain. I did have a feeling that, if Fox canceled the show, that there may well be some unhappy people out there. I just don't think anyone really figured on quite how many there were, and how loud their unhappiness would come to the surface.
