Behind the scenes en Rise of the Planet of the Apes interview

RDJ134 15 april 2011 om 18:19 uur

Gisteren kon je hier op al de eerste echte trailer van Rise of the Planet of the Apes zien. Deze film die de alweer derde reboot is van de Planet of the Apes franchise zal de legendarische serie een nieuw leven moeten geven. De onderstaande film reviewers zijn op set bezoek geweest, en zoals je kan horen zijn ze behoorlijk onder de indruk. Verder had de website dit interview met Director Rupert Wyatt, en deze heeft een hoop te vertellen over wat misschien wel de sleeper hit van 2011 kan zijn.

How did you refresh the story in this to make it different from the other movies?

Rupert: "The original was made in 1968, that's over 40 years ago. We're telling a story that has never been told before in many ways, which is a real-world contemporary narrative set in 2011 about how the apes started the revolution. Now I know there has been a different take on how that happens with the earlier films, but this is actually setting up perhaps a more scientific approach to why that happened. I think it was the writers when they first started writing this for the studio, they could have decided let's go with the original mythology. To be perfectly honest with you, I think that would be a terrific approach as well. You could do that, but that's actually in a way replicating what's already been done before. So why not try something different?"

Rise of the Planet of the Apes Set Visit video blog from /Film on Vimeo.
