CS cheater krijg mes in zijn hoofd gestoken

RDJ134 22 maart 2010 om 22:53 uur

Je kent het wel: fookin' cheaters die heel het spel verzieken met glitches en wallhacks, je zou ze graag wat aan willen doen toch? Nou in China werd een Counter-Strike cheater in een internetcafé betrapt op het gebruik van een wallhack en kreeg vervolgens een big ass mes in zijn schedel gestoken, het leuke er aan is dat hij het nog overleeft heeft en nu iedereen er op kan wijzen dat je beter maar niet kan cheaten.

A gamer accused of cheating in a net café game of CounterStrike narrowly escaped death after irate players skewered his head on a knife.

The incident began in a net café in China's northern province of Jilin, when a group of youths apparently noticed a 17-year-old boy they had been playing CounterStrike with had been cheating by using a "wallhack" to allow himself to see through walls.

An argument began and a fight broke out outside the café. During the fight the cheater had a 30cm knife thrust into his left temple, with the blade only being stopped by the other side of his skull.

Doctors explain the blade narrowly avoided major arteries, avoiding a devastating haemorrhage, and failed to impair his motor control despite passing through areas of the brain associated with such.

They were able to carefully extract the blade after opening his skull in an operation lasting some 10 hours, but noted that the knife was rusty - he has been placed under observation in case fragments of rust left inside his brain cause complications.
