Fringe krijgt musical episode

RDJ134 23 maart 2010 om 01:36 uur

Fringe is de vetste sci-fi TV serie van het ogenblik, het heeft de vibe die de X-Files de vorige eeuw had. Maar ondanks de vaak erg weirde shit zal het nog gekker gaan worden halverwege het nieuwe seizoen, want we krijgen door de ogen van Walter Bishop de wereld als een musical te zien. Ik heb geen idee wat de makers roken, maar deze shit kunnen ze beter niet meer gebruiken.

The episode, set to air during a Glee-themed week of musical programming in May, will have the regular cast-including, no doubt, Anna Torv and Joshua Jackson-breaking into song and dance.

No, it's not some Broadway-themed virus or a Sondheim-style alternate-universe storyline: The musical numbers, which cover popular songs, represent a hallucination by the show's resident mad scientist, Walter Bishop (John Noble).

"None of us ever thought that it was really going to happen," said musically trained co-star Jasika Nicole, who plays loyal FBI agent Astrid Farnsworth, in an interview on the show's set in Vancouver, Canada, last week. "It was just a joke. We were like, 'Oh, yeah, Fringe should be a musical.' Dancing and singing and goofing off and stuff. And then John says, 'So, you know, there's going to be a musical episode,' and I was like, 'Ha, ha, John,' and he was like, 'No, really, have you read the script?'"

Nicole adds: "When I first read that, I thought, 'How are they going to pull this off? This is really weird.' And it makes complete sense within the story. It's essentially Walter kind of manifesting his idea. He's trying to get his mind off of, you know, what's going on because he's just waiting to see what's going to go on with Peter. And essentially he's kind of created this little world in his head. And so everything is super-symbolic so all the characters embody the qualities that he notices about them the most, which is really neat. And it happens in the 1940s. Everybody's in 1940s dress, but they still have cell phones and stuff. So it's just his brain, because he's telling a story to someone. Sort of like a bedtime story to help ease his anxiety. So we get to sing in it."
