Acht van de grootste plot twists in videogames *SPOILERS*

RDJ134 20 april 2011 om 01:56 uur

Sommige films laten je in de illusie dat je denkt alles te weten, en dan BAM JONGUH!! zo'n vuurbal, ik bedoel plot twist en een groot WTF gehalte. Ook een aantal videogames maken van deze techniek gebruik, en daarom heeft de website Dorkly deze top acht gemaakt. Uiteraard vol met SPOILERS!!

[quote8) No lives remaining (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare)

While debate still rages as to whether the CoD series or Halo is the more legitimate contender to the FPS throne, hardly anyone disputes the shock and awe - why yes, that wordplay was intentional - that floored us all when, after extracting a team of U.S. Marines in CoD4: Modern Warfare, a nuclear threat is rumored, established, and executed within moments. At the level's climax, the game violently snatches victory from your hand like an angry sugar-high toddler as it screams in your face, "NO! MINE!"

In video games we're always accustomed to having one more life, to having one more try. But here you were forced to watch a distinctly disempowering scene as a city was decimated, your mission was failed, and your protagonist died. Real life warfare kinda sucks, huh?
