Left 4 Dead 2 heeft een update gekregen

RDJ134 7 mei 2011 om 16:50 uur

Left 4 Dead 2 is een hele leuke zombie survival FPS waarbij samen werken centraal staat, maar wie de game opstart zal via Steam een nieuwe update krijgen. Wat deze precies doet is te lezen in de onderstaande tekst, waarbij ook nog wat meer informatie over de aankomende DLC naar voren komt.

Encore mutation: Taannkk!

Dead Center - The Mall

  • Survivors can no longer bypass the storefront mini-finale.

    Dark Carnival - The Barns

  • Survivors can no longer bypass the barn interiors.

    The Parish - The Waterfront

  • Removed the Survivor zombie-jump exploit in the first alley.

    The Parish - The Quarter

  • Survivors prevented from using short cut over the top of the fence.

    Cold Stream

  • Various bug and exploit fixes for the first 3 maps.
  • Added survivor respawn closets - some temporary while we work on the maps.
  • Added navigational aids to maps.
  • Changed the first map's ending as an experiment - please give feedback!
  • Added alternate route around boat mast - please give feedback.

    The Left 4 Dead Blog has also been updated with more on Cold Stream testing and the following snippet on the next DLC:

    Midnight Riders?
    The upcoming DLC is our experiment in not having a story tied to the DLC. While we are working on that, we also wanted to keep expanding the story and world of Left 4 Dead. We like comics, in fact we just released one yesterday for TeamFortress 2. So we were thinking about another comic. What about one starring the Midnight Riders? Vote in this week's in-game poll and let us know what you think.

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