Top tien van de grootste Comic Villains

RDJ134 14 mei 2011 om 17:10 uur

Forum lid Coola wees me gisteren op deze top tien van 'bad ass comic book villains', en daar staan inderdaad een aantal ekte ekte bazen op. Nu was het heel erg moeilijk om er een favoriet uit te pakken, maar uit eindelijk (de Marvel fanboy die ik ben) is het Dr. Doom geworden.

#5 Dr. Doom

How could Doom not be here? Victor Von Doom was raised by gypsies in a small European county called Latveria. He lost both of his parents at a very young age. Swearing revenge, Victor began to increase both his scientific and mystical knowledge with such determination that he was given a full scholarship to Empire State University. It was at ESU that Victor met Reed Richards and Ben Grimm, and where he started his extra dimensional research. Doom's vanity prevented him from adjusting the schematics to one of his experiments, and the end result was an explosion that scarred Victor for life. Expelled from school, Victor began to travel the world, eventually stumbling upon a village of Tibetan monks who trained him and crafted him a suit of body armor, complete with face plate. He soon returned to Latveria, overthrew the government and crowned himself King. Ruling with an iron fist, Doom began to turn the resources of his small nation to his plans of world domination.
