Battlestar Galactica Online heeft twee miljoen nieuwe leden

RDJ134 26 mei 2011 om 19:44 uur

Vier maanden geleden ging de MMORPG Battlestar Galactica verder als een Free2Play game, en dat blijkt nu een zeer groot succes te zijn geworden. Want ondertussen zijn er al meer dan twee miljoen nieuwe leden bij gekomen die nu dagelijks rond schumen door het BSG universum.

New major content additions include the addition of new tier three "line" ships for both human and Cylon players. The Gungnir joins the Colonial fleet and the Nidhogg joins the Cylons - both are powerful, multi-role attack ships. Basic models of both can be unlocked with Cubits (in-game premium currency), and advanced models can be purchased with Merits, which players earn through gameplay such as helping to destroy enemy outposts.

Both ship names follow the Norse mythology theme, which has been used to name the existing line ships. Gungnir is Odin's spear, and Nidhogg is the main dragon in Norse mythology, which gnaws on the roots of the World Tree. In addition to ongoing game balancing, performance optimization, and general polish, Bigpoint will continue to add new content and features.
