[E3 2011] Twee Gears of War 3 video's

RDJ134 3 juni 2011 om 00:23 uur

Ook dit jaar zal Gears of War 3 het grote pronkstuk van Microsoft zijn, en laten we eerlijk zijn deze game is gewoon ijzer sterk. Als voorbereiding op de naderende E3 heeft Epic de onderstaande totaal niet leuke video van de Cole train online gezet. En kunnen we zien dat net als vorig jaar de graffiti artiest OG Slick een hele exclusieve oplage van Gears of War3 shirts maakt. Uiteraard niet voor de Europese markt.

Today Microsoft and Epic Games announced that infamous graffiti artist OG Slick will be rejoining the team to contribute artwork to "Gears of War 3." OG Slick's art adds a layer of stark realism to the embroiled environments found in the game.

As an internationally acclaimed street artist, Slick first worked with the "Gears of War 3" team at the 2010 Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), designing an exclusive t-shirt that marked the announcement of the game. His pioneering graffiti is currently featured at the Art in the Streets exhibition at The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA in Los Angeles.

"Graffiti has always been a part of the 'Gears' universe," said Epic Design Director Cliff Bleszinski. "The series' signature Crimson Omen logo began as an in-game street tag that Stranded civilians used to mark off combat zones between COG soldiers and the Locust, so as we deepen the universe in 'Gears 3,' we wanted to add additional street art elements to the new urban game environments. It made perfect sense to bring in a renowned artist like Slick as a part of the team."

To celebrate the collaboration, OG Slick created a limited edition "Gears of War" t-shirt to debut at E3 2011 on June 7 in Los Angeles, based on one of his designs for the game. Starting June 8, a limited quantity of the shirts will be available exclusively through Hot Topic stores.

"I'm a 'Gears' fan at heart and had a blast working on the 'I GEARS LA' shirt at last year's show," said Slick. "When Epic said they wanted me to graffiti in the game itself, I couldn't say yes fast enough. I'm honored they think so highly of my style to immortalize it in the game and with the Hot Topic shirt."

The limited edition OG Slick "Gears of War 3" t-shirt will be available only in Hot Topic retail stores across North America starting June 8. As an added bonus, you'll be able to deck out your Xbox avatar with the shirt as well, also available June 8 on Xbox LIVE Marketplace for 80 Microsoft points.
