Microsoft pakt webwinkel met JTAG'd Xbox 360's aan

RDJ134 27 maart 2010 om 16:04 uur

Microsoft heeft de eigenaren van de website laten weten dat als ze doorgaan met het aanbieden van consoles die zijn voorzien van de JTAG hack, ze juridisch zullen worden aangepakt. Een JTAG is een hardwarematige hack die mogelijk is bij Xbox 360 consoles die niet zijn voorzien van de laatste dashboard update, door een kleine ingreep het mogelijk maakt om homebrew en gedownloade games vanaf een hard disk te spelen. Dit is te vergelijken met de hacks die ooit op de Xbox 1 werden gedaan.

It has come to Microsoft Corporation.s attention that you are distributing Microsoft Xbox 360 consoles that have been modified to circumvent the built-in hardware and software security mechanisms

Microsoft demands that you immediately cease and desist from distributing all unauthorized Xbox consoles and from engaging in any activity that infringes Microsoft's copyrights and trademarks. Microsoft reserves the right to seek all viable legal remedies without further notice.

By marketing or distributing Xbox consoles that are modified to circumvent the technological measures used to protect Microsoft.s copyrighted programs, you help to provide unauthorized access to Microsoft.s programs. This activity violates federal law and may subject you to substantial liability. Under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, distributors of such unauthorized Xbox consoles may be liable for $2,500 for each violation, and repeat offenders face triple damages.

Infringing Microsoft.s copyrights and trademarks can subject you and your company to civil and criminal liability. Even an unintentional infringement of Xbox games in violation of federal copyright and trademarks laws could subject you and your company to civil liability. Further, for willful infringement, federal law authorizes statutory damages of up to $150,000 per copyrighted work and up to $2,000,000 per counterfeit trademark. Intentional violators may also be subject to criminal penalties.
