Top Tien van Motion Comics

RDJ134 14 juni 2011 om 18:07 uur

Motion Comics zijn video's van een comic *DUH* waarbij de tekeningen lichtelijk bewegen, sommige vinden dit erg cool en voor echte comic puristen is het weer erg lame. Maar de website Topless Robot heeft nu deze top tien gemaakt van de beste Motion Comics die ze op Youtube konden vinden. Onze favoriet is geworden:

4) Astonishing X-Men: Gifted

Are you a Joss Whedon fan who feels burned that his Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 8 motion comic didn't make the cut? Fear not, because this motion comic by the Firefly auteur is so good it's, well, astonishing. Ugh. Sorry. Anyways, the story involves a new a roster of X-Men led by Cyclops (who seems more interested in schtupping girlfriend/team member Emma Frost than taking command) as they deal with the duel threats of a possible mutant cure and a new alien enemy who, of course, has a secret agenda of his own. As you would probably like to forget, the mutant cure plot thread also made an appearance in X-Men: The Last Stand. However I'm pleased to report that it's handled much better here. Peppered throughout six brisk-moving episodes is the sly wit that has won Whedon his legion of faithful followers. But the humor on display -- and there's a lot of it -- never overshadows the drama. A highlight of the series is a fight between Wolverine and Beast, who is seriously considering taking the cure to finally rid himself of his ever-changing mutation. The scene transforms from a fierce battle to a discussion of the self vs. the greater good that is so riveting to witness that the crude animation is the furthest thing from your mind. It's story that counts here above all. Whedon crams a lot of it into a brief running time and still manages to resolve each character arc in a satisfying manner. Even Lockheed gets a moment to shine here, and he's partially responsible for the series' best joke. Exactly why does Kitty love him so much? Hmm.
