Acht comic origins ontstaan door tragisch overlijden

RDJ134 15 juni 2011 om 00:36 uur

Zoals we allemaal wel weten is dat Batman zijn ontstaan (origins) heeft te 'danken' aan de tragische dood van zijn ouders, maar hij is niet de enigste superheld die op deze harde manier zijn roeping heeft gevonden. Daarom heeft de website deze top acht gemaakt, daar op staat oa Taskmaster, Magneto, Wolverine en mijn all time favoriet:

8. Spider-Man

The tragic death of a loved one is usually part and parcel of the whole superhero package. It takes a special brand of luck to also be the one responsible for their death. For that you'd have to be the hero who's been wedgied by fate more often than any other: Spider-Man.

After gaining his spider powers, Peter Parker made the (totally reasonable) decision to make a little money off of them. Later, when he had the chance to stop a burglar, he made the (again, totally reasonable) decision not to get involved. He had a successful entertaining gig by now, and didn't need to risk that by tangling with some criminal.

Unfortunately, sensible decisions have no place in comic books, as that same burglar then turned around and shot his beloved Uncle Ben dead. You know, the one who taught Peter "with great power comes great responsibility," the catchphrase that would cement Spider-Man as the universe's whipping boy for the rest of his life.
