Top acht van de coolste Cyborgs ooit

RDJ134 20 juni 2011 om 15:30 uur

Wat ik niet snap is hoe de website Topless Robot deze top acht van de coolste Cyborgs ooit maakt, en daar niet de Terminator op heeft staan. Nu kon ik kiezen uit Robocop, of Darth Vader, maar omdat het moet is het Seven of Nine uit Star Trek geworden. Gewoon omdat Jeri Ryan een verdomd lekkere chick is.

There is one rule on Federation starships that everyone knows but no one mentions: there must always be a logic-driven, monotone, emotionless crewmember who comments on the foibles of his/her human colleagues whilst him/herself trying to become more human, who solves all of the ship's problems and gradually becomes the star of every single episode. Yes, it's a long rule. That's why they don't bring it up all the time. Seven of Nine is the Spock/Data/Tuvok of Star Trek: Voyager, but cooler because she's Borg, a race of implacable cybernetically enhanced organisms intent on assimilating the entire universe into their collective. And no, of course Seven's not only on this list just because she's incredibly hot. But now that you mention it, resistance of her feminine cyborg wily charms is futile.
