Top tien van de lamste videogame mascottes uit de videogame geschiedenis

RDJ134 22 juni 2011 om 01:16 uur

Iedereen kent Mario, Master Chief en Sonic de mascottes van Nintendo, Xbox 360 en SEGA. Maar wie kent BlinX nog?? dat was een mislukte Xbox 1 mascotte waarmee Sita nog probeerde een hitje te scoren. Maar in de loop der jaren zijn er veel karakters in de strijd geweest om een mascotte voor een console te worden, maar zijn het nooit geworden en vergeten in de geschiedenis. Maar de website heeft nu deze lijst gemaakt met de lamste mascottes uit de geschiedenis van videogames, en het ergste is BlinX staat er niet eens op.

10. Crash Bandicoot (1996-present)

OK, calm down. I'm not saying Crash Bandicoot is a bad game. Let's just set that issue aside for a minute and examine Mr. Bandicoot as a character. Crash didn't come around until '96, years after the attitude-plus-species naming convention went out of style. Even still, Crash was an exercise in pandering. Sony wanted their own flagship character to compete with Mario, but didn't have a mascot. So they bought a field guide of Tasmanian mammals and thumbed through it, briefly toying with "Willie the Wombat," before settling on a "bandicoot." Now that's an animal that sounds like it can skateboard!

Honestly, they could have picked anything because Crash is based on design constraints, not anything that exists in real life. He's orange because that color shows up well on TVs. He doesn't have a neck because the Playstation couldn't handle necks. What we ended up with is a character that looks how Bobcat Goldthwait sounds. Luckily, Crash barely talks. That, along with good gameplay and fun levels, saved Crash from competing with Bubsy 3D for most annoying platformer of 1996.
