Call of Duty: Black Ops Update Released (PC)

RDJ134 24 juni 2011 om 16:37 uur

Veel mensen lopen altijd te bitchen op Treyarch dat hun de 'mindere' Call of Duty titels maken. Maar tot in tegenstelling van Infinity Ward brengen hun wel aan de lopende band nieuwe updates uit die een hoop cheats en andere ellende oplost. Vandaag is er voor de PC versie van Black Ops een update verschenen en hier is de change list:

  • Free For All matches in the Recent Games menu in Theater now appear as "Free for All" instead of being displayed as "Team Deathmatch"
  • Addressed several items that did not correctly reset to their default state when using the Default System Settings option
  • In the Combat Training Change map menu the player can toggle between the default and DLC maps using the arrow keys on the keyboard
  • When the UAV is active the radar sweep movement is shown on kill streak menus that bring up a map for the player
  • Added option to disable player emblems in the "Settings", "Multiplayer options" menu
  • Addressed crash when a player accepted a game invite while rendering a clip
  • Addressed various exploits
  • Allow modded servers to enable cheats
  • Added ability for mods to remove dvar/commands from restricted lists. So mods can remove dvars they don't want user to have access to. Also increased the mods restricted list to 256

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