Top acht van game karakters die van goed naar slecht gingen

RDJ134 24 juni 2011 om 17:51 uur

In comics (en show worstelen) is het heel gewoon dat een superheld even tijdelijk de bad guy word, om vervolgens weer het licht te zien. Deze trend is nu ook door gedrongen in game industrie, en switchen karakters ook snel na goed na kwaad over. De website heeft nu deze top acht gemaakt en daar staat ook Mario op en zo zie je mensen met een Snorrrr zijn niet te vertrouwen.

7. Jumpman/Mario (Good Guy: Donkey Kong; Bad Guy: Donkey Kong Jr.)

Donkey Kong was a huge milestone in gaming, back when "having a cutscene" was a huge milestone in gaming. It even had a real storyline: a humble carpenter embarks on a quest to rescue his innocent girlfriend from the clutches of a renegade ape. Kids would line up at the arcade to take a crack at helping the heroic Jumpman rescue his damsel in distress. They thought they were fighting on the side of justice. They thought Jumpman just wanted his lady back. What they didn't know is that Jumpman just really f*cking hates gorillas.

In Donkey Kong Jr., suddenly the heroic everyman from the first game was flying his true flag: the pixelated middle finger of a big jerk antagonist. Not satisfied with merely winning his lady back, the newly-christened "Mario" had now locked Donkey Kong up in a cage and was siccing vicious animals on anyone who tried to free him, including DK's own son, Donkey Kong Jr.

It's possible that Mario, high off the victory and accolades of his first title, thought the audience would side with him in his weird mission to orphan a gorilla child. Or maybe PETA demanded a sequel proving how sympathetic giant apes could be. Either way, the Nintendo PR machine made sure Mario's image would never again be sullied by another psychotic anti-ape tirade.
