Star Wars Mod: Galactic Warfare beschikbaar

RDJ134 8 juli 2011 om 00:54 uur

Zelf gemaakte mods voor PC games zijn al zo oud als... PC games. Maar zo nu en dan zitten hier echt prachtige juweeltjes tussen. De Star Wars Mod: Galactic Warfare is er zp één, want ben je een Star Wars fan en heb je Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare slingeren, dan moet je deze mod zeker spelen. Dit 650 mb grote bestand kan je hier downloaden en ondertussen kan je de onderstaande video checken.

Welcome to Star Wars Mod: Galactic Warfare, a modification for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. All began with a new 3D-model, and soon the idea to extend this theme as a non commercial fan project was born. In the meantime, our project is taking shape and we have found a couple of new comrades in addition to the team already involved in the development of Apesgorod. It's our goal to unite our favourite game CoD4:MW with the classic universe of Star Wars, as the best trilogy ever. With this total conversion we will combine lot of the known battlegrounds, characters and weapons of Star Wars with the fantastic gameplay of the COD4-Multiplayer. Either as a trooper of the Imperial Forces or as a soldier from the Rebel Alliance you will fight on some different locations.
