Meet de nieuwe Ultimate Comics Spider-Man

RDJ134 3 augustus 2011 om 02:04 uur

Vandaag zal er comic geschiedenis worden geschreven, want na de dood van Spider-Man moet de fakkel toch aan iemand anders worden door gegeven. In Ultimate Comics Fallout #4 is het de Afro Amerikaanse Miles Morales, die gaat ontdekken dat met grote krachten ook grote verantwoording komt. Hoe hij precies in het plaatje gaat passen kan je dus lezen in de nieuwe comic die vanaf nu digitaal te koop is, en anders wachter tot hij in je lokale comic shop te vinden is. Of je moet niet kunnen wachten en de .cbr versie downloaden. Maar goed, dit is Miles aka de nieuwe Spidey.

Pop culture history will be made tomorrow as ULTIMATE COMICS FALLOUT #4 hits shelves and introduces readers to the all-new Ultimate Comics Spider-Man! That's right, for the first time ever, someone other than Peter Parker will be Spider-Man! But, after the death of Peter Parker, who will rise up to defend the Ultimate Universe? Meet Miles Morales, a seemingly normal teenager from New York who will soon discover that with great power comes great responsibility...and even greater danger! But just what are the secrets behind Miles' shocking abilities? What's his connection to the original Spider-Man? And just why does he wear that costume? Courtesy of superstars Brian Michael Bendis and Sara Pichelli, ULTIMATE COMICS FALLOUT #4 begins the story that'll have everyone talking for years to come!
