Zes vervelende dingen die broertjes of zusjes doen tijdens het gamen

RDJ134 15 augustus 2011 om 00:51 uur

Iedereen die een (jonger) broertje of zusje heeft die ook games speelt zal een hoop herkennen op deze lijst die de website Dorkly.com heeft gemaakt. Want niks is vervelender dan een familie lid die betere karakters kiest, je levens op maakt of... cheap ass moves uit haalt met een fighter game zoals Street Fighter.

4. Always Pulling the "Cheap" Moves

My mother coined the term "Nintendoitis" for when my brother and I would play games and our rivalry would escalate to the point of hoarse screaming, brutal taunting, and hot, angry tears. Whenever we reached Nintendoitis, she'd pull the plug on the whole operation. No, literally, she'd unplug the Nintendo despite our promises to get along ("Mooooooooom, you're going to ruin it!").

99.9% of the time, this was brought on by my brother's cheap-ass moves on Street Fighter 2. He'd always pick Guile and do the same combo over and over. He'd laugh his pre-pubescent giggle and I'd be in my intense standing position, playing with my whole body, blood about to spurt from my eyeballs at any second while struggling to find any means to Dragon Kick out of the corner.

Whatever dude. Is that all you got? That one lame combo? A true world warrior would have more in his arsenal.
