Hacker toont OtherOS in Playstation 3 FW 3.21

RDJ134 7 april 2010 om 20:24 uur

In de onderstaande video laat Playstation 3 hacker Geohot ons zien dat hij er in is geslaagd een Custum Firmware (CFW) te maken voor Sony's console, want in de 3.21 update is de OtherOS optie verwijderd. Maar door het vervangen van de PUP file is het wederom mogelijk om Linux te draaien, en als hackers ergens gek op zijn is het wel Linux.

Here is a video demoing my "custom firmware". It's not any sort of version string change; I would have added something showing off the new features of 3.21, but oh wait, there aren't any.

This can be installed without having to open up your PS3, just by restoring a custom generated PUP file, but only from 3.15 or previous. It's possible this CFW will also work on the slim to actually *enable* OtherOS; I'll know when my infectus gets here.

No release date yet, use the proxy hack to play online with 3.15

Note to the people who removed OtherOS, you are potentially turning 100000+ legit users into "hackers." There was a huge(20x) traffic spike to this blog after the announcement of 3.21. If I had ads on this site I guess I'd be thanking you.
