Top tien van Slasher films

RDJ134 22 september 2011 om 16:30 uur

De wesbsite heeft in aanloop na Halloween volgende maand alvast een hele vette top tien van slasher films gemaakt. Daarbij zitten een paar bekende zoals Friday the 13th en Halloween, maar ook wat onbekendere films als:

Runner-up. THE NEW YORK RIPPER. "It's Fulci's only straight up "slasher" flick. It's got a killer that quacks like a duck, which again is an idea that if you told it to me, I'd think is ridiculous on paper, but when you see & hear it in the movie, you may chuckle the first time you hear it, but that gets pretty creepy. Plus, one of the most mean spirited endings ever. That's something we can always count on with our European horror filmmakers. They are not afraid to give you a "f*** you" ending. Here in the States, they primarily give you a happy ending. Our European filmmaker brothers aren't scared to show us how messed up life truly is!"
