Tien Essential Nerdcentric "Making of" Docus die je gezien moet zien

RDJ134 28 september 2011 om 17:08 uur

De website Topless.com heeft een top tien gemaakt van film documantaires die je als nerd/geek/film liefhebber gezien MOET hebben. Uiteraard staan Star Wars en Lord of the Rings erbij, maar mijn favoriet is toch wel:

7) The Thing: Terror Takes Shape

Created for The Thing's 1998 DVD release, Michael Matessino's documentary leaves viewers with two impressions. The first is that every film should be a collaboration between John Carpenter and Kurt Russell as the pair understands not only each other, but the exact type of cinema they each want to be involved in. The second thing that you'll take away from Terror Takes Shape is how incredibly brilliant/absolutely bugfuck crazy Rob Bottin's creations for the film are (there's been footage of the superfluous The Thing prequel recently released online, and it's evident that the filmmakers are wisely taking a page from Bottin's playbook in terms of their own creature design). If nothing else, check out this doc for behind-the-scenes footage of the monsters that helps demystify them -- thereby ending years of your nightmares.
