De Duke Numen Forever Parody Pack komt volgende week

RDJ134 6 oktober 2011 om 19:24 uur

Ik ben er nog altijd niet uit wat ik over Duke Nukem Forever moet denken. De ene kant is het voor huidige standaard een ongelofelijk slechte kut game die beter niet uitgebracht had mogen worden. aan de andere kant is het een pure ode aan vroegere titels. Maar goed voor wie iedereen die de lid is van de First Access Club (wat klinkt als een club voor maagden) is er op 11 oktober GRATIS de Parody pack te downloaden. Was je niet lid, dan mag je er 800 Microsoft punten of tien euro voor ophoesten. Dezelfde dag verschijnt er ook een patch die wat problemen oplost en nieuwe game modi toevoegt. *joepie*

The Hail to the Icons Parody Pack and its four new multiplayer maps for Duke Nukem Forever will be available beginning Tuesday, October 11.

As promised, everyone who joined the First Access Club before Duke Nukem Forever launched in their territory will get it free*! For those that aren't in First Access Club, the pack will run 800 Microsoft Points on Xbox 360 and $9.99 on PlayStation Network and Steam in the US.

In addition, updates to the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Duke Nukem Forever will roll out the same day, adding support for the new content along with various optimizations and bug fixes.

The pack contains three new game modes, and four new multiplayer maps - each with new weapons- and, this pack will be FREE to all First Access Club members who registered their FAC membership prior to the launch of Duke Nukem Forever (subject to availability).

Three All-New Modes:

  • Freeze Tag provides some of the most fun team gameplay in Duke Nukem Forever. Players cooperate to freeze and shatter their opponents in succession for huge point streaks and combos. See who can hold on to the babe the longest in Hot Potato and play free-for-all Duke style in Hail to the King.
  • Call of Duke - Duke engages in modern combat in a war-torn city. Foes don't stand a chance against the Duke when he spams the map with the N00b T00b.
  • Sandbox - Players take the role of mini-Duke in a giant sandbox with two bases at either end made out of children's toys. This map features Sticky Bombs.
  • Inferno - Time machine engage! Duke does combat in a hellish landscape of lava and teleporters. Who turned on the 16-bit graphics, and more importantly, where did this DFG come from?
  • 2Forts1Bridge - Hats? Duke doesn't need no stinking hats. Give him a minigun and he'll beat off all comers.

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