Interview: Hugh Jackman over Real Steel en Wolverine 2

RDJ134 7 oktober 2011 om 02:14 uur

De website had een interview met Wolverine.... ik bedoel Hugh Jackman over zijn nieuwste film Real Steel. Wat eigenlijk een soort van Rocky is met Robots, maar dan toch weer even net anders. dorst te vragen naar Wolverine 2 en dat vinden wij ook interessant, voor de PR praat over Real Steel moet je het hele interview hier checken.

Q: When is Wolverine 2 coming?

HJ: I'm doing Les Miserables, that's starting early next year. Before that, I'm doing a one-man show on Broadway and then Wolverine after Les Mis. It's an eclectic year.

Q: You've played the character four times - five if you count First Class. Are there any aspects of the character that you'll get to explore this time that you didn't in previous movies?

HJ: Absolutely. That's true every time. I think all of us - the audience, the writers, myself - are set with the whole amnesia "what happened to my past?" question. I think we've explored that a lot. Now, it's this great backdrop of Japan, and very rich source material from the comic book. And there's more ladies in this film, which is a big change from the last one. (Smiles.)
