X360 versie van BF3 op twee DVD's

RDJ134 7 oktober 2011 om 21:28 uur

Tijdens een game event in Londen is bekend geworden dat de Xbox 360 versie van Battlefield 3 op twee schijfjes zal verschijnen. Eén voor de single player en één voor de multiplayer mode. Daar naast word aangeraden om de game te installeren op de harddisk, want dan kan je gebruik maken van de High Resolutie pack of te wel mooiere graphics. Dit hoef je niet te doen, maar dan ziet de game er wat minder mooi uit. Oja bij dit nieuws kwamen ook de onderstaande screen shots mee.

"There's a voluntary install on the 360," said Battlefield 3 producer Patrick Liu speaking to GamerZines yesterday.

"I think Rage did it as well, where you can install content to stream higher res textures.

"We're pushing that technology to the limit, and compared to our competitors, I would argue that we're the best looking game."

According to Liu, the game's single-player, co-op and multiplayer are also split up between the two discs, although he wouldn't confirm which modes are present on which disc.

It's not yet known whether the PS3 version of Battlefield 3 will also include the same hi-res textures on the Blu-ray disc.
