Battlefield 3 developers interview

RDJ134 11 oktober 2011 om 02:57 uur

De website heeft een developers interview met Patrick Bach van DICE gehad, en deze reageerde op onder andere het negatieve commentaar van de mensen op de open multiplayer beta. Volgens Patrick zijn alle problemen van die build al lang en breed opgelost en moeten mensen zich realiseren dat dit geen demo was. Het hele interview kan je overigens hier terug lezen.

Kotaku: So, how has it been, hearing some of the negative feedback from the Beta?

Patrick Bach: The only thing we can do is tell people that: "These are the things we have fixed since the beta." And also based on the feedback from the beta. But other than that... you need to let people play it. The problem with having a beta is that you hand out a product that is not done. Deliberately. You do it because you want to get feedback on not only what the players think, but also on how things are holding up, what can we read from the network traffic, how is everything holding up, how are all of the systems that are brand new holding up. You could argue that maybe we shouldn't do a beta."

It's a double-edged sword.

If we don't do [a beta], then we might have problems day one. So the only way to ensure that we have less problems day one is to have a beta. But if you have a beta (laughs) people will hate you, and think that you're stupid.

We get complaints like, "How can you guys miss obvious things like A, B, and C?" And we didn't miss it. We just weren't done with it. But we had to get it out so that we get results back, so we can fix it. The lead time when you do a beta is actually pretty long. You need to go through certification on consoles, and do a lot of things before you get it out. And since you want to get it out on all three platforms at the same time to avoid further whining... (chuckles)... it takes as long as the longest platform certification time.
