Crimineel bedreigd getuige via Xbox Live

RDJ134 15 april 2010 om 16:21 uur

Een Amerikaanse crimineel die was opgepakt voor in het bezit hebben van een gestolen vuurwapen heeft na zijn vrijlating een getuige die bij hem in de auto zat via Xbox Live bedreigd. Deze stuurde hem bedreigingen en is daarom nu weer terug achter de tralies waar hij het populaire gevangenisspelletje niet bukken voor het zeepje kan spelen.

The witness, who lives in Milford, complained to police in December that Hayward posted a threatening message on his Xbox LIVE profile. Xbox LIVE is Microsoft's online gaming network.

The Xbox LIVE profile, DiviouzAntLive, later traced back to Hayward, contained the witness' address, followed by the words "Rats die slow," according to court documents.

The profile also contained an obscene message that contained the words "I wouldn't laugh 2 much U a dead man walking."

Police say a gun was found under the passenger seat of the car Hayward was driving when he was pulled over July 18 in New Haven. The witness was a passenger in the car. Both Hayward and his passenger were arrested. Hayward denied the gun was his, but the passenger said it was Hayward's, and that Hayward put it under the passenger seat.

Hayward is facing multiple charges related to gun and drug possession, but the passenger, now the alleged victim of the threats, is not facing charges.
