Demo: Grease Dance beschikbaar

RDJ134 25 oktober 2011 om 17:14 uur

Het is buiten koud en kut weer, dus tijd voor wat ouderwetse gezelligheid. Want je kan vanaf nu de demo van de Kinect game Grease Dance downloaden. Yep, Grease zoals de film uit 1978 en niet die lamme musical shit. Dus gewoon even downloaden, geluid harder zetten en lekker dansen. Gewoon omdat het kan.

Content: Grease Dance Demo
Price: Free
Availability: Check availability in your Xbox LIVE region
Dash Text: Shake out your hair, turn up your style, put on your face and release your inner rock and roll party queen this Autumn. This is Grease for the New Generation, inspired by the 50's and danced by you! With over 20 familiar songs to sing along to and all your favourite dances to learn, "Grease" combines the movie's timeless music and memorable choreography with motion sensor technology to deliver the ULTIMATE singing and dancing "Grease" experience on Kinect for Xbox 360.

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