Zeven minder bekende film monsters die meer aandacht verdienen

RDJ134 17 november 2011 om 17:27 uur

In vooral oude horror films uit de jaren zeventig en tachtig zitten een aantal monsters die soms een kleine rol speelde, maar eigenlijk gewoon meer aandacht verdienen. Een goed voorbeeld hier van is de Eyeball Creature uit Big Trouble in Little China uit 1986 of de vrouwelijke demoon in The Golden Child (ook uit 1986). De website Topless Robot heeft nu deze top zeven gemaakt en onze favoriet is de onderstaande video geworden, vanwege de hele visualisatie van de erg geweldadige scene.

3) Nazi Monsters

What Movie Are They From? John Landis' epic An American Werewolf in London.
What Exactly Are They? After David Naughton gets attacked by a werewolf, he is admitted to a hospital where he has a chilling fever dream that monstrous Nazis are slaughtering his family. Note to travelers: when locals say stay on the road, make it a point to stay on the damn road.
Why Are They Worthy of Your Love? There's nothing lovable about having a quiet evening spent watching The Muppet Show ruined by Nazi monsters, really. That said, these guys are truly horrific. Rick Baker's werewolf design work on the film gets all the credit, but there's plenty to be said for the look of the mutated Nazis that kill the main character of David and his family. The scene itself is absolutely chilling. Landis uses Kermit and Miss Piggy to lull viewers into a false sense of security only to completely pull the rug out from them with a graphic slaughter. It's both effective and frightening. A nice touch is how the various Nazis have werewolf-like features; foreshadowing David's own inevitable transformation into what he fears the most.
Collect 'Em All! A few years back, SOTA Toys released a "Nightmare Demon" action figure in their Now Playing line of movie collectibles. So far, this is the only entry on this list that has been given the honor of being recreated in plastic. That's actually really depressing.
