BF3 Game Add-on: Back to Karkand beschikbaar *update 17:47*

RDJ134 13 december 2011 om 17:16 uur

De reden waarom het nieuws later dan normaal nu verschijnt is de schuld van de Battlefield 3 Back to Karkland Add-on, want ik heb net mezelf moeten dwingen om te stoppen met spelen. Wat ongelofelijk vet is dit. Anyway deze add-on is gratis voor de mensen die de Limited Edition hebben gekocht, en als je dat niet hebt gedaan mag je 15 Euro aka 1200 Microsoft Points ophoesten. Eerlijk gezegd zijn die elke Euro waard.

Update: gameplay video toegevoegd.

Content: Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand
Price: 1200 Microsoft Points
Availability: Check availability in your Xbox LIVE region
Dash Text: For purchasing the Limited Edition of Battlefield 3, you can grab your Back to Karkand expansion pack at no extra charge! Note that Back to Karkand requires the latest Multiplayer Update to play. Back to Karkand is a massive themed expansion pack. It features four of the most loved Battlefield maps ever, boldly reimagined with the power of the Frostbite 2 engine. It also gives you new weapons, vehicles, dog tags, and persistence in the form of all-new "assignments" to carry out on the battlefield. The maps included are Strike at Karkand, Gulf of Oman, Sharqi Peninsula, and Wake Island. All have been redesigned from Battlefield 2 as a return years later, changing the scenery and adding the powerful destruction that Frostbite 2 brings to the game

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