PS Vita System Software Update 1.66

RDJ134 4 april 2012 om 20:28 uur

Gisteren verscheen er voor de PlayStation Vita de firmware update 1.65, maar deze was ook heel snel weer weg omdat er iets mis mee was. Dus vandaag is er gelijk versie 1.66 verschenen die de nodige verbeteringen brengt, en helaas kunnen we nog steeds geen Youtube video's kijken. Hopelijk komt dat in een toekomstige update.

  • You can now disable the notification alert messages that indicate when friends sign in, messages are received and other activities. To disable these alerts, got to [Settings] > [Sound & Display] > check/uncheck [Notification Alerts]. Additionally, Notification alerts will now display for five seconds instead of three seconds
  • 'After 10 Minutes' has been added as an option in [Power Save Settings] > [Auto Standby]
  • An arrow will indicate when new activities are available in LiveArea
  • Caps Lock is now supported by the on-screen keyboard. Simply double-tap the Shift key to enable it

  • Reageer