De 10 coolste momenten uit seizoen 2 van GoT *SPOILERS*

RDJ134 6 juli 2012 om 19:08 uur

Het tweede seizoen van Game of Thrones mag dan wel niet zo cool als de eerste zijn, maar het is zeker een verplicht must see voor elke RPG speler en liefhebber van fantasy. Maar er zaten een aantal vreselijk sterke momenten in, en daarom heeft de website Topless Robot deze lijst gemaakt. Ondanks de grote keuze ga ik toch gelijk voor de nummer één van de lijst.

1) Wildfire in Action

Part of me wanted to put "the entirety of 'Blackwater'" but that's more cheating than I'm comfortable with. Seriously, though, as a piece of television that episode was fantastic, and the siege scenes, which were (as we were told many times) ridiculously expensive and demanding to produce, turned out quite well. Once again, the editing of these sequences was masterful, and it never let the spectacle get too overwhelming (it's also always budget-friendly to stage a battle scene at night, I'm sure). The big surprise was that, despite all the hype given to the special effects, we had so many great character beats amid the bloodshed, from Cersei getting sloshed and talking about vaginas with Sansa to the Hound finally saying what many of us wish we could to Joffery without having our heads spiked. It was exciting, involving, and (for this series) extraordinarily focused.

But let's talk about this one part in particular, the moment all the tension from the pre-battle buildup throughout this season finally broke. Stannis' fleet approaches, and Tyrion (with Bronn and the pyromancer's help) goes forward with his cunning plan. Yes, it's different here from the more strategic way it's handled in the book, but it's still devastating to see the green flames rip through all those ships like they were nothing. Of course, this doesn't win the war for the Lannisters alone, but it's their first big blow and it sends poor Davos overboard (how the series decides to handle him in the oncoming seasons we will have to see). Though Tyrion won't be recorded as a hero for his tactics, Varys assures him later that he'll be remembered by the people, probably for his hilariously frank pep talk if nothing else. I guess it pays to have the creator of the franchise you're adapting on hand to do his own teleplays.
