Kurt Russell wil dat de nieuwe Snake Plissken een Amerikaan is

RDJ134 28 maart 2013 om 19:35 uur

John Carpenter's Escape from New York uit 1981 is een science fiction cult klassieker die ook helaas een remake gaat krijgen. Ook Kurt Russel die in twee films de rol van Snake Plissken speelde, is dat ten oren gekomen. Deze vertelde nu in een interview dat hij er op staat dat dit karakter een Amerikaan is. Want je weet AMERICA FUCK YEAH!! enzo.

There are two guys who really do know Snake Plissken and the Escape world. Number one, John [Carpenter]. Number two, me. When it comes to Snake, I can tell you one thing... he's American. It's really important that he's American. There's a reason why that great fight in the arena [in Escape From New York] is with a baseball bat. That's American, OK? He knows what he's doing with that bat in his hand! I thought Gerard Butler was great in 300.

The problem is not Snake, you can find a good Snake. You gotta get John Carpenter. Escape From New York is just weird because of the way he sees the world, man. He sees it slightly off. It's his world, it's a night world. This is his thing.
