Nike's uit Back to the Future II worden realiteit

RDJ134 7 juli 2010 om 01:53 uur

In Back to the Future II konden we zien (onderstaande video) hoe Marty McFly in 2015 Nikes had waarvan de veters zich zelf strak trokken. Maar nu is er op het Internet een video opgedoken die ons laat zien dat deze schoenen dichter bij zijn dan je zou vermoeden.

Inspired by 'Back to The Future II', this project is less 'Practical' than 'Proof of Concept', but hopefully it'll tide you over until Nike comes out with something more polished.

This was also the first time I worked with an Arduino microcontroller, and I wanted to get some experience with the little guy.

Operation is quite simple- step into the shoe and a force sensor reads the pressure of your foot and activates two servo motors, which apply tension to the laces, tightening the shoe. A touch switch reverses the servos.

Due to budget constraints, I only modified one shoe. Where did I put that darn sports almanac?!
