Tien TV series van Marvel die we graag zouden zien

RDJ134 25 september 2013 om 20:39 uur

Afgelopen nacht kwam, zag en overwon Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. op de Amerikaanse TV. Nu dit een ongekend succes is, vraagt de website Topless Robot zich af welke andere Marvel comics er nog meer kunnen worden omgezet naar een TV serie. Mijn favoriet is:

6. Punisher

Punisher might be a little more edgy than ABC wants to deal with in prime time, but it's not beyond reason to take Marvel's number one bad-guy killer and give him his own series on a channel like HBO or Showtime where they won't shy away from the necessary level of violence.

Ever since former soldier Frank Castle saw his family murdered before him in a gangland shootout, he's made it his mission to eradicate evil from the world. Over the years he's targeted everyone from typical mobsters to supervillains, meaning the show's writers have a lot to work with. There's plenty of source material to pull from, but also a perfectly simplistic springboard for all new episodes to be built upon. I'd like to see a slightly toned down version of 2008's Punisher: War Zone that tackles some of the Punisher Max tales written by Garth Ennis as well as those classic Steven Grant stories from the '90s. Plus, if the show goes downhill you can always turn him into an angel hunter or a Frankenstein monster, right? It'll be like Baywatch Nights with more bullets and scowling.
