James Gunn interview over de Guardians of the Galaxy

RDJ134 17 november 2014 om 17:30 uur

Over precies een maand is Guardians of the Galaxy verkrijgbaar in Nederland, en enkele dagen er voor in Amerika. Dus is er een tweede ronde met promotie gaande en had de website SuperHero Hype een interview met James Gunn, alleen is deze man verdomd kort met zijn antwoorden.

SHH: Marvel moved up the release date of Guardians of the Galaxy 2 to May 5, 2017. Is that going to affect your production time table?

: Yeah, we'll have to start shooting two months earlier, but that's it. We had time anyway, so we're okay. And I think we already have a story worked out for the next movie. Switching places [with Thor: Ragnarok] is a slightly better date for us, so it's good. I'm really happy with that date.
