The Avengers: Age of Ultron set interview met Aaron Taylor-Johnson

RDJ134 31 maart 2015 om 00:36 uur

De website Collider had de eer om op de set van The Avengers: Age of Ultron enkele acteurs en actrices te mogen interviewen. Zo kon je eerder vandaag het interview met Elizabeth Olson hier lezen en is het nu de beurt aan Aaron Taylor-Johnson die de rol van Quiksilver speelt. Deze vertelde over accenten, de comics en de humor die we dadelijk te zien gaan krijgen op 22 april, want dat is de datum dat deze lang verwachte film op het witte doek te zien zal zijn.

How much reading did you do of the comic books to get to know the character beforehand? Do you feel like you want to go back and see what the history was like?

Yeah, yeah, saw some of the original stuff, saw a mixture of things. Um, obviously the character sort of jumped in and out of different universes, being like in the sort of mutant world and all that, which obviously we don't embrace with it being with Fox and X-Men, as you're all aware, that's no sort of secret. But yeah I take bits of pieces that have been done in history and also comic books to kind of get this essence and the sense of... Pietro is a character rather than like Quicksilver just in the sense of 'yeah okay his superhero power is that runs faster than the speed of sound, but you know what's he really like?' And kind of get to the depths of him and wonder. That's sort of like travelers and you know they have to look out for themselves. It's a really close, intimate relationship but in a sort of it can be seen in many ways, and also that sort of motherly fatherly kind of figure, and he's very protective over her and in a physical way, and her more in a psychological way, and we try to embrace that. There's a lot of stuff that I pick up from. One of the ones that I like looking at for this moreso was The Ultimates really because I think that ties in more with what they've been doing recently with The Avengers, and more keeping in tone with it.
