The Ultimate Guide to analog control pannels in sci-fi films

RDJ134 4 juni 2015 om 19:00 uur

Iedere science fiction liefhebber is wel bekend met de controle panelen in films, want deze (zeker uit de jaren 60tm80) zijn echt iconisch te noemen. Daarom heeft de website Hopes and Fears nu een ultimate guide gemaakt met hun favoriete controle panelen. Zoals die van eXisTenZ waar van je Tony T's recensie hier kan terug lezen.


release date: 1999 diRector: David Cronenberg budget: $31 million

The controllers in eXisTenZ are pure Cronenberg: fleshy, organic and sexual in design but entirely mechanical. It's basically an X-box controller made up of human flesh with an umbilical cord wire.

For the film's production design, Cronenberg worked with his longtime collaborator Carol Spier. When asked about the design of the game pod, she gave all credit to Cronenberg himself, saying that he personally worked with the effects team to realize the entirely unique controller/body mod. But Spier is such as standout in the field of production design that it's difficult to say she had no influence on the visionary director. She was essential to Cronenberg's films. (There's a fascinating hour-long documentary about her and her collaborations with the director.)

Biotech is growing, so as far as "analog" interfaces go, this one has the most potential for coming back up in the future.
