Dubbel XP weekeinde Red Dead Redemption

RDJ134 27 oktober 2010 om 20:20 uur

Om vieren de Undead Nightmare DLC voor Red Dead Redemption is verschenen, gooit Rockstar er dit weekeinde een dubbel XP tegen aan. En wie wil nou niet dubbele punten krijgen om hordes met zombies af te slachten.

In celebration of the release of the Undead Nightmare Pack for Red Dead Redemption, we'll be hosting a Red Dead Redemption Double XP Weekend for everyone - starting at 1PM Eastern this Friday October 29th and lasting until 11:59 PM Eastern this Halloween Sunday October 31st. Team up with friends for some Zombie-themed Undead Overrun, take down towns in Land Grab or tackle any of the original competitive modes from Red Dead Redemption for a quick XP boost to unlock new mounts, titles, characters and challenges.
