PS Vita Scene dumps voor de Cobra BlackFin duiken op

RDJ134 20 juni 2016 om 12:00 uur

De PlayStation Vita is voor mij de grootste miskoop op game gebied in jaren geweest, ik hoopte echt dat deze handheld een hoop coole games zou gaan krijgen, want de hardware er van is simpelweg zeer dik. De grote tripple a titels bleven uit en bij veel mensen liggen of word gebruikt tijdens het poepen om te tweeten en YouTube te kijken. Zes maanden geleden kon je hier lezen dat deze handheld soort van gekraakt was door Team Cobra die met de nodige handeling en een vaag stuk hardware het mogelijk maakte om backups of illegaal gedownloade games te spelen. De laatst genoemde waren moesten zelf gemaakt worden en nu houden scene release groupen zich bezig met proper dumps zodat deze te gebruiken zijn op de BlackFin. Daar van duiken nu de bestanden op en daar zitten ook NFO files bij en één daar van kan je hier onder lezen.

Well here we are again, after 4 months of silence :) Today we bring you the first PS Vita game, dumped by the "BlackFin" from Team Cobra !

After our first attempt to release a PS Vita game we saw a lot of criticism from public devs about the way it was pred. So in this nfo we want to clear up a few things and give some insight about what was and what will be in the future for the PS Vita scene.

-- About the license situation --

To the lightbulb on twitter:

We don't get your understanding of "unique" when it comes to the license files for PS Vita games, but when the SAME file, from the SAME game, with the SAME Game ID differs in almost all regards, compared from two cartridges, we don't see how they can NOT be unique.

To the vitadevwiki / public scene site admins:

The understanding of the licenses are pretty much zero and we can only guess what information they might hold, so if any effort should be put into the PS Vita hacking right now, it has to go towards figuring out the structure and information these .rif files hold. It would be awesome if public discussions could take place on your platforms.

To our fellow competitors:

We would advise you to take extra caution with releasing PS4 and PS Vita titles because of what we said above. We got word from two independent sources that the licenses from both platforms COULD be tracked by Sony with information like first time activation and current console / user ID. As long as you never played the game or had the console online where you played it on, we would see no problem in releasing it.

-- Suggestions to Team Cobra --

The dumping process needs to be fixed, it's very unstable sometimes and seems to be related to the distance between the card emulator and the BT dongle?
Sometimes writing a game to the card emulator ends up in an error, and we could not identify the cause for this issue. You might want to investigate it and come up with a fix :)
In addition to 2) we (and probably a lot of users) would also welcome a seperate piece of software which can write to your microSD card filesystem (CEFS) with a standard card reader, rather than the BlackFin one.
Please enable individual file dumping from within the BlackFin software.
It would be awesome if users could check the currently available game carts which are online, without having the BT dongle plugged in.
A companion software for smartphones with bluetooth would be awesome, so people can authenticate their games on the go. PS Vita is a handheld after all right ? ;)
Open your servers !! :D

-- To the archive / catalogue / preservation scene --

The BlackFin dumps don't seem to be 100% complete.
The dump sizes look a bit strange, the only two we could identiy right now are: 1.958.739.968 Bytes and 3.959.422.976 Bytes The BlackFin Software lists them as 2GB and 4GB, whereas those bytes converted are around 1,82GB and 3,68GB. We don't know what might be missing here (if even).
It contains custom information from the BlackFin at 0x2000.

-- To the keen devs --

The filesystem on a PS Vita game cart seems to be exFAT, check 0x8000 for the beginning of the partition. If anyone could come up with a extractor, that would be very appreciated.

-- For the previous and (hopefully) coming PS Vita scene --

We will dump the games as *.psv, because the dumps are not conform to any ISO standard and don't seem to be 1:1 raw binary dumps either. After *.nds, *.3ds, *.wud, etc. this should be fine ;)
If anyone else out there pres PS Vita games, please include the game ID in the nfo, so the good private souls and Team Cobra can invest in those games to be hosted for authentification in the future.
We request a nuke for our own release: Uncharted_Golden_Abyss_EUR_MULTI5_READNFO_PSV-PSiCO Because the expected exploit to play those never happened and we now have a working solution by Team Cobra.

Shoutout to BBB: Touch.My.Katamari.USA.PSV-BigBlueBox - should follow this fate.

And to whoever released: World.of.Final.Fantasy.PAL.PSViTA.READNFO-VBL - fuck you <3

Well this is it guys, we hope you enjoy this release and the rest that is coming up.

This release is Multi 5 (Eng, Fre, Ger, Ita, Spa)

Thanks to Team Cobra for making this possible !!

And as always, if you like this game - please buy it !!
