Bryce Dallas Howard over Pete's Dragon en Jurassic World 2

RDJ134 4 augustus 2016 om 13:00 uur

De naam Bryce Dallas Howard zal niet echt bekend klinken in de oren van veel mensen, maar als je zegt die roodharige chick die de geheel Jurassic World op hakken rende, dan weet je waarschijnlijk gelijk wie ze is. Deze actrice speelt nu ook in de Disney film Pete's Dragon en dat is de reden waarom de website Collider dit interview met haar had, en uiteraard kwam ook Jurassic World 2 ter sprake.

Question: How did you get involved with this? What attracted you to this project?

: I first encountered this because I heard that it was happening. I loved the 1977 version, which is so different from this. They're not even related. I was just curious about how they were doing it. So, I got the script and I was really surprised about how different it was and how moved I was by this story. Immediately, it felt very sentimental to me and very emotional. I was just like, "I would love to be a part of this." And then, I eventually got to be a part of it, which was fantastic.

Are you already working on a sequel for Jurassic World?

: Next year.

After everything that was made of your character wearing high heels throughout the movie, will you get to have any input on that?

: The way Colin told me there was going to be a sequel is that he texted me, "#NoHeels2018." And I was like, "Yay!"
