Robert Redford over zijn rol in Pete's Dragon

RDJ134 5 augustus 2016 om 17:00 uur

Robert Redford is een film legende die al decennia mee gaat in de film industrie en zo nu en dan nog eens opduikt in een film om daar te laten zien dat hij nog steeds de man is. Zo zal hij binnenkort schitteren in de Disney film Pete's Dragon en daarom had de website Collider dit interview met hem en daar van kan je hier onder alvast een stukje lezen.

Question: What was the appeal of this for you?

: It started with the diversity. It was very diverse from anything I had done, up until that point, and have subsequently done. And there was the idea of going back to my own childhood, which was based on storytelling. I grew up very near here in a very lower working class neighborhood where there's not much to do, so storytelling became something to keep you alive. Storytelling was a way to see the world bigger than the one you were looking at, and that had great appeal for me. I think since that was part of my upbringing, it became part of me, and I wanted to pass it along to my kids and my grandkids. I thought, "If you could ever do a project that really has magic in it, and justifiable magic, you should do it." This was it. I didn't see the other iteration of Pete's Dragon. To me, it was brand new.

What were some of the things that you enjoyed about this character?

: Small things. He's a wood carver, and he seems to be a man who's totally alone in his very small sphere of operating, in this dark room. He's carving wood and suddenly he hears something outside, and it's children, so he bursts out. I love that moment, being able to scare them, and then pull them together to tell them a story. He tells a story that no one really believes, but they like hearing it anyway. And then, they find out that it's true. I love that angle on it. I thought it was fun.
