Wii-U lijkt helemaal open te liggen met een nieuwe hack *video*

RDJ134 21 oktober 2016 om 17:06 uur

Dat een spelcomputer vroeger of later gehackt gaat worden is een feit, maar sommige weten het behoorlijk lang vol te houden zoals de PlayStation 4 en de Xbox One. Nu lijkt het er op dat de Wii-U van Nintendo is gehackt en het mogelijk is om 'backup' games vanaf SD en HDD te spelen. Ik moet zeggen dat het altijd twijfelachtig is met dit soort nieuws, omdat er ook een hoop gefaked wordt. Maar als dit nep is heeft iemand een hoop tijd en moeite in de onderstaande video en zogenaamde handleiding te steken. Wij van Eigenwereld.nl zijn overigens tegen piraterij enzo, maar technische hacks als dit zijn nieuws en een realiteit waar we niet over zwijgen. Wat ik wel gedaan hebt is alle download links verwijderen want die mag je zelf gaan zoeken.

mportant info

If you want to install on HDD, you need to format your HDD to WiiU format. Attention it will DELETE everything on that drive. DO NOT USE THE DRIVE YOU USE FOR vWII!
In order to get your HDD to be recognized you may need to use a split USB cable
The downloaded games need to be the region of your Wii U.
The games will be playable online!
You can install only ONE game at a time. You can of course have many installed games at the same time on your HDD or WiiU, but the installation process is done one by one!
Purchased DLC and updates work fine
You can transfer games installed to you Hard drive to your internal storage and it will run fine
You can install games to internal storage without installing to USB
If you have an existing savegame for your game on your internal storage, move it to you USB before installing the game to USB or you'll lose it!
To install your Loadiine save into the console, use Saviine homebrew. Guide available here


Get the game from NUS, do not decrypt. Be sure it's the same region than your console!
put the game files (.app, .h3, etc.) on your SD card, in SD:/Install/ folder
get the ticket for your game (extracted from a WUD file). Be sure it's the same region than your console!
Note: you don't need ALL the rar files to extract the full 25GB wud. Only the first .rar or .r01 file is enough to extract an incomplete wud and get the ticket.
Edit the ticket (title.tik located in folder sys/02/)
Either with an hexEditor:
Ticket's byte 0x01 set to 0x01, subtract or add 2 to the value of byte 0x0F.
Example here.
or with a tool :

put the modified title.tik in the SD:/Install/ folder too.
Put SD card into Wii U
Plug in your WiiU Hard drive to your Wii U (if you want to install to USB)
Eject any inserted game disc
Launch the homebrew launcher
Launch the modified wup installer (Attention it has whitelist removed, you can brick your WiiU if you try to install System titles or game from another region!)
Press X button to install to HDD, or press A to install to internal memory.
let the game install. You will see an incorrect % progress (such as 300% or more depending on the game) don't worry and let it finish.
When the install ends you will be rebooted back into the homebrew launcher, exit it and your games will be installed!
delete ALL the files located on your SD:/install/ folder. You can now install another game.
