Lashana Lynch over haar rol als Maria Rambeau in Captain Marvel

RDJ134 13 februari 2019 om 17:17 uur

De naam Lashana Lynch zal je waarschijnlijk heel erg weinig zeggen, maar in de aankomende Captain Marvel film speelt ze de rol van Maria Rambeau. Dat is ook de reden waarom de website Collider een interview met haar had, en daar van kan je nu hier onder een klein stukje lezen.

How does Maria reaction when Nick Fury enters?

: Cooly. Literally. One thing I noticed when I read the script is that she doesn't flinch. She has stillness about her, which is so attractive in a woman and in a human being. I feel like because of her work, she just doesn't flinch. She really takes new experiences and just makes it work for her. There's some situations that she encounters on the way, throughout the film and she never argues, she never asks questions. A bit like me actually, when there's something new, she's goes, 'Okay, yeah, this is an iPhone. Never seen an iPhone before. I can work it. Yep. Use the buttons, but I'll make it work. Don't need to ask questions.' She just handles herself in a very professional and collected fashion that no one ever has to question her ability. And again, I think that comes from being an African American female fighter pilot in a white male orientated environment. So she had no choice but to be strong.

Just taking another step with black women portrayed in films; a lot of time we're shown as being very strong, very independent. Sometimes they say there's some vulnerability missing. Will we see some vulnerabilities? Is there another part of her that we'll get to see that is very vulnerable or soft?

: I think that the way that this story is told, in the time that it's being told, because we're starting with Carol's entrance into the world as this new person, I wouldn't say that we necessarily see vulnerability, but we see tenderness, and I think that's warranted and it's enough for the relationship that she has with Carol. She almost has to remind Carol who she is, where she came from, what she represents, who's she's about, and the mark that she can now place on the world through this power that she's gained. So for me at this moment in time, I think it's nice to see tenderness, love, care, and handling grief in a very complicated way. That's nice. I wouldn't say that with where she was in her life right now, and with how she's had to just take charge of the situation she's faced with in the movie, that I don't know whether you use softness ...
