Samuel L. Jackson over zijn rol in Captain Marvel

RDJ134 6 maart 2019 om 00:19 uur

Vanaf vandaag draait Captain Marvel in de Nederlandse bioscopen en zal de US en de rest van de wereld dit weekeinde kennis kunnen maken met deze vrouwelijke superheld. Ook speelt Samuel L. Jackson een grote rol in de film en is hij door de computer nu jaren jonger gemaakt. De website Coming Soon had een interview met de acteur en daar van kan je nu hier onder een klein stukje lezen.

CS: You've been rooted in the fabric of the MCU since Marvel decided to base a version of Nick Fury in your likeness which wove you into these films. I want to know, what did you take away from your experience playing Fury that you were excited to explore the origins of in Captain Marvel?

Samuel L. Jackson
: It's not really the origins. It's kind of in the middle of what he is. It's the awakening of Nick Fury to the fact that the universe, the world is bigger than just where we live, the earth, that the universe does have an impact on us, and that there are beings from other places that come here. And who knows how long they've been coming here? So that's the beginning of that for him, and understanding that maybe they have been keeping things away from him because that's just the nature of how he thinks. And his relationship with this particular character grows through a sense of communal warrior-ism, in a way, as he tells her, I know a warrior when I see one. And their bond becomes cemented through that. And you know, when people go through things together, they tend to get closer, and that happens. So then, when she gives him that beeper and says, "Only in emergencies," a lot of people go, well, there are a lot of times you could've used that beeper. Not really. You know, my idea of what an emergency is is way different from what the rest of the world would perceive as an emergency. I thought I had the people that could handle what we needed, until that very moment, where I had to use that.

CS: Did you always know that [redacted] was how Nick was going to end up with one eye?

Jackson: I did not. You know, there were all kinds of theories, you know, war injuries, it was this, you know, a virus, or- there was all kinds of stuff. But I mean, there was even another version of the script, where there were a lot of things happening, and when that event did happen, there were things that people had, various things that he kept getting offered to use that would fix it, and he kept saying, "No, that's okay. It'll be fine.
