Rockstar: 3.61 firmware sloopt consoles

RDJ134 19 mei 2011 om 02:49 uur

Voor de zoveelste keer in een maand tijd is de bliksem ingeslagen bij Sony, zo hadden ze gisteren wederom beveiligings problemen en volgens Rockstar sloopt hun v3.61 firmware nu oudere consoles. Veel gamers met een zgn Phat model die L.A. Noire spelen merken nu dat hun PlayStation 3 door over verhitting vast loopt of gaat piepen. Maar het betreffende bericht van Rockstar is nu opeens van hun website verdwenen. Gelukkig voor ons heeft Worthplaying die de bui al aan zag komen de onderstaande screenshot gemaakt. Zo Sony, wat is de volgende fail??

While all of these items sound very nice, Rockstar Support claimed earlier today that the added security features in the new v3.61 update was the cause of various reports by users who were complaining that their PS3s were shutting down, beeping like a maniac, and "red ringing."

Rockstar Support must have gotten quite a few complaints after it launched L.A. Noire, since it thought it was a good idea to dedicate an actual page with a Q&A on its Web site. However, after tweeting about it earlier today, the page has now mysteriously disappeared.

We have contacted both Sony and Rockstar to ask for comment and will update when we receive a reply, but since Rockstar is on the East Coast, their offices might already be closed. We decided not to wait with publishing this fata morgana.
