Het eerste seizoen van Halo: The Series was al niet al te best te noemen, en het tweede deed het ook niet veel beter. Dus was het wachten op de verklaring die vandaag naar buiten is gekomen en dat is dat de show gecanceld is door Paramount. Halo: The Series was voor de streamingsdienst een publiekstrekker die niet kon leveren waar de fans op hoopte.
"We are extremely proud of this ambitious series and would like to thank our partners at Xbox, 343 Industries and Amblin Television, along with showrunner and executive producer David Wiener, his fellow executive producers, the entire cast led by Pablo Schreiber as Master Chief and the amazing crew for all their outstanding work," Paramount+ said in a statement. "We wish everyone the best going forward."
"We deeply appreciate the millions of fans who propelled the Halo series to be a global success and we remain committed to broadening the Halo universe in different ways in the future," added 343 Industries. "We are grateful to Amblin and Paramount for their partnership in bringing our expansive sci-fi universe to viewers around the world."