Vijf redenen waarom TWD game beter is dan de TV Show

RDJ134 28 april 2012 om 17:31 uur

Afgelopen week verscheen de eerste episode van The Walking Dead video game, deze speelt zich af in de het universum van de comics en de TV serie. De game schijnt heel erg goed te zijn, en de website heeft nu deze lijst gemaakt met vijf redenen waarom de game beter is dan de TV serie. Wat eerlijk gezegd een in kopper is want de TV serie zuigt fookin hard.

The Kid Isn't a Complete Effing Moron

In fact, Clementine is pretty great. She's cute and funny, smarter than she lets on, yet she still acts like a kid. She's one of the most realistically drawn kids I've encountered in a video game in some time.

I spent the entire first chapter having Lee tell her half-truths in just the way that we really do with young kids-I'm not going to spell out for her that her family is most likely dead, and I'm not going to tell her the full story of my checkered criminal past. I could if I wanted to (those are dialogue options), but those just aren't things I would tell a little kid.

I like her and I found that I (and by extension, Lee) wanted to shelter her from what was happening as well as I could. I'm interested to see how her relationship with Lee changes over the course of the next four chapters. I hope nothing tragic happens. Knowing The Walking Dead, my hopes are most likely in vain.

Compare that to the Walking Dead TV show, where we spent the entirety of the second season anguishing over dumbassed Carl who left the cars like a huge dumbass and wandered out and got shot, in the way that only a real dumbass could. Ugh. Go away, Carl. Go off with your dumbass mom and get turned into a zombie or something. Maybe it would make you smarter.
